CSR and SDGs are at the core of our business reflection
and integrated to our services.
CSR and SDGs are at the core of our business reflection and integrated to our services.
We aim to contribute to society through sustainable procurement, traceability, and the use of the latest technology to reduce our environmental impact.
The Altavia Group has set 5 priorities in line with its activities, its major impacts and its expertise in order to make a positive contribution to its ecosystem.
Decent work and economic growth
We contribute to the sustainable development of the regions where we operate through our Human Capital and our business relations.
We encourage inclusion and place the priority on partnerships with local companies.
Reduce inequalities
We launched Altavia Foundation in 2020. Its aim is to endorse professional integration by helping those with difficulty finding work to launch their own micro-commerce or micro-busines
Climate action
Life on land
The drastic erosion of biodiversity causes imbalances, such as the emergence of zoonoses like COVID-19. We seek to protect forests, notably by stepping up requirements with regard to our wood-based supplies.
A member of the Global Compact since 2008
Advance level since 2018
FSC certified since 2017
Altavia Japan is Ecovadis Gold 2020 & 2022
– Reduction of environmental impact generated during proofing of printed materials
– Proactively favorite positive welfare in our choice of vendors
– Implement PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle to improve work efficiency and significantly reduce overwork and overtime hours.
– Promotion of a flat and diverse organization
– Introduction of a teleworking system
– Regular participation in local CSR activities
– Procurement from suppliers with high CSR ratings