Digital Color Proof

Altavia Japan uses digital contract proof as our priority means to check colors in print.
Our color management service ensures that data supplied from any country can be reproduced locally or in any industrial environment with the same color tones. 

Digital contract proof offers considerable improvements in cost, time delivery and consistency compared to press proof. It also has a considerable lower environmental impact.

We recommend Digital Contract Proof especially if you are looking for:

Cost savings

Increase if qualitative consistency

Reduce the environment impact of your promotional activities

What is Color Proofing?

In the printing industry, “Color Proofing” is conducted almost invariably to confirm the actual color tones of the printed material.
Some companies have strict color standards, and color correction plays a crucial role in creating promotional materials.
However, Color Proofing can refer to several processes.

Main Types of Color Proofing

Conducted in an environment similar to the production environment

Press Proof

By conducting the process in an environment identical to the actual production setting, it is possible to confirm a finish closely resembling the final product.
However, as single-piece printing is not feasible, costs are higher, and an extended lead time is necessary.
Therefore, scheduling with ample flexibility becomes essential.

Use of production paper

Paper proof

With a machine dedicated to color correction, it allows confirmation of color tones using the same paper as the actual production.
While it is more affordable than the Press Proof, it incurs higher costs, longer lead times, and the print quality is less stable.
Additionally, many printing companies do not own such outdated equipment.

Color management via numerical values for reproducibility.

Digital Color Proof (Contract Proof)

Altavia Japan provides an expertise by experienced color management technician, for a Digital Color Proofing that is not only cost and time-saving, but also allows you to confirm colors as close as possible to those in production.

*Quality is judged by the company’s own standards to ensure that colors are reproduced as close as possible to those of the actual production.
**All of the above are based on our own research.

Did you know that
Digital Contract Proof is Eco-Friendly?

In the case of Press Proofing as well as Paper Proofing, it may not be possible to perform color correction for a single sheet, resulting in the disposal of a large quantity of paper for each color correction session. With Digital Color Proofing, it is possible to output a single sheet, significantly reducing the amount of paper, ink and electricity used.

*May be impacted by production quantities

Our Facilities

With the latest color management and precision measurement technology equipment in-house, we are able to provide color calibration with excellent color reproduction.

For more information about Digital Color Proofing, please contact us via the Contact form.


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