Cleanup Activity on WORLD CLEANUP DAY at Shinjuku Central Park!

With the aim of instilling a strong sense of ownership and embodying an attitude towards environmental consideration in each employee regarding CSR activities, we conducted a cleanup initiative in Shinjuku Central Park, a place we are familiar with.

Anticipating an increase in future CSR activities, we created original T-shirts using sustainable materials. This not only strengthened our unity but also enhanced our commitment to the cleanup efforts. As a result, the high awareness of CSR among each employee was reflected in the activity outcomes, and the total amount of collected waste exceeded 180 liters.

Altavia Japan will continue to actively engage with and contribute to society and the local community to foster its development in the future.

What is the ‘WORLD CLEANUP DAY,’ the global event we participated in this time? 

‘WORLD CLEANUP DAY’ is a simultaneous worldwide cleanup event that originated in Estonia, one of the Nordic countries, in 2008. In the 2008 event, over 50,000 volunteers (roughly 5% of Estonia’s population) participated in a single day, successfully removing over 10,000 tons of illegally dumped waste in just 5 hours. This success story, where 5% of the population united in solidarity to take action for problem-solving, sparked the Clean-Up movement aiming for 5% participation across Europe. The movement then expanded to Africa and Asia. Since 2018, it has been recognized as ‘WORLD CLEANUP DAY,’ with simultaneous events taking place in countries around the world.